New Publication: We look at the shared pre-cursors to COVID-19 and behavioral weight-loss intervention (BWI) disparities. Spoiler Alert: it is system racism. The personal agency people have in their behaviors is sustained by the policies, built environment, and viable options that affect their daily lives. We lay out recommendations for using a health equity framework in approaching BWI. My favorite recommendation is to center Black people in the creation of BWI, rather than adapting existing interventions into the social reality of Black people. In reality, I am always happy to have a reason to collaborate with Dr. Loneke Blackman Carr!
Here's the citation: Carr, L. T. B., Bell, C., Alick, C., & Bentley-Edwards, K. L. (2022). Responding to Health Disparities in Behavioral Weight Loss Interventions and COVID-19 in Black Adults: Recommendations for Health Equity. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.
*As always, please contact me if you need access to this or other papers/articles.