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Research & Publications

My work crosses into the realms of psychology, health, education, and Black studies. Overall, I am interested in what needs to happen for Black people to lead healthy and full lives throughout the lifespan-and how racism, gender and culture informs this possibility. If you have difficulty getting these articles or manuscripts, please contact me. If you would rather see my publications chronologically, you can find them here.


How do we talk to about race, culture and racism?

Black boys in school and in the world

How does religion influence the health outcomes of African Americans

Research on racism in all of its forms is an underlying thread in all my work. This section discusses racism directly.

My framework and measurement of Black youth's sociopolitical racial agency, psychological cohesion, and racial dissonance. 

Black Studies,
Socio-historical Contexts Matter and Racism Broadly

Short reports on pressing topics in health & education

My thoughts on a variety of topics

From Perinatal health to school girls and into womanhood...


Black students, their teachers and school environment

Research and recommendations for
health equity

Racial Socialization
Racial Cohesion
Black Boys
Black Studies

Racial Cohesion

Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Smith, L. V., Robbins, P. A., & Adams-Bass, V. N. (2019). Out of the Hood, But Not Out of the Woods: The School Engagement and Cohesion of Black Students Based on Exposure to Violence and Victimization. The Urban Review. doi: 10.1007/s11256-019-00517-2


Bentley-Edwards, K. L. (2016). Hope, Agency, or Disconnect: Scale Construction for Measures of Black Racial Cohesion and Dissonance. Journal of Black Psychology. 42(1), 73-79. doi: 10.1177/0095798414557670


Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Agonafer, E., Edmondson, R., & Flannigan, A. (2016). If I Can Do For My People, I Can Do For Myself: Examining Racial Factors for Their Influence on Goal Efficacy For Black College Students, Journal of College Student Development. 57(2), 151-167. doi: 10.1353/csd.2016.0018


Bentley-Edwards, K. L. & Chapman-Hilliard, C. (2015). Doing Race in different places: Black Racial Cohesion on Black and White college campuses. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 8(1), 43-60. doi: 10.1037/a0038293.

Black Women & Girls

Bentley-Edwards, K. L., & Adams, V. N. (2024). I am not (your) superwoman, Black girl magic, or beautiful struggle: Rethinking the resilience of Black women and girls. American Psychologist, 79(8), 1036-1048. 


Bentley-Edwards, K. L. (2021). Little Black Girls with Curves. In O. Delano-Oriaran, E. Moore, M. W. Penick-Parks, A. Michael, S. J. Arki, & O. Swindell (Eds.), Teaching Beautiful Brilliant Black Girls: A Radical Transformation for Educators (pp. 135-139). Sage/Corwin Press. 


Adams-Bass, V. N., & Bentley-Edwards, K. L. (2020). The problem with “Black girl magic” for Black girls. In D. Apugo, L. Mahwhinney & A. M. Mblishaka (Eds.), Strong Black Girls: Reclaiming Schools in Their Own Image (pp. 99-117). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.


Smith, I. Z., Bentley-Edwards, K. L., El-Amin, S., & Darity Jr, W. (2018). Fighting at Birth: Eradicating the Black-White Infant Mortality Gap (pp. 14). Durham, NC: Duke University's Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity; Insight Center on Community Economic Development.


Adams-Bass, V. N., Bentley-Edwards, K. L., & Stevenson, H. C. (2014). That’s Not Me I See On TV: African American youth interpret media images Of Black females. Women, Gender and Families of Color, 2(1).    

Bentley-Edwards, K. L., & Adams-Bass, V. N. (2013). The Whole Picture: Examining Black women through the life span. In H. O. Jackson Lowman (Ed.), Afrikan American Women: Living at the Crossroads of Race, Gender, Class, and Culture: Cognella Press/University Readers.    â€‹

Pre-K thru 12+ Education Issues

Adams-Bass, V. N., & Bentley-Edwards, K. L. (2020). The problem with “Black girl magic” for Black girls. In D. Apugo, L. Mahwhinney & A. M. Mblishaka (Eds.), Strong Black Girls: Reclaiming Schools in Their Own Image (pp. 99-117). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.


Robbins, P. A., & Bentley-Edwards, K. L. (2020). Message Received? The Effect of Academic Socialization on NCAA Athletes’ Grades. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 13, 405-423. 


Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Stevenson, H. C., Thomas, D. E., Adams-Bass, V. N., & Coleman-King, C. (2020). Teaching scared: pre-service teacher appraisals of racial stress, socialization and classroom management self-efficacy. Social Psychology of Education. doi: 10.1007/s11218-020-09578-8


Scardamalia, K., Bentley-Edwards, K. L., & Grasty, K. Consistently inconsistent: An examination of the variability in the identification of emotional disturbance. Psychology in the Schools, 0(0). doi: doi:10.1002/pits.22213


Michael, A., Coleman-King, C., Lee, S., Ramirez, C., & Bentley-Edwards, K. L. (2017). Naming the Unnamed: White Culture in Relief. In S. D. Hancock & C. A. Warren (Eds.), White Woman’s Work: Examining the Intersectionality of Cultural Norms, Teaching, and Identity Formation in Urban Schools (pp. 19-43). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


Bentley-Edwards, K. L. & Robbins, Paul A. (2014). What Black Parents Need to Know About School Readiness Contradictions. Psych Discourse, 48(1). 

African American Religion & Health

Griffith, E. E., Robbins, P. A., Ferede, B. T., & Bentley-Edwards, K. L. (2024). Religious participation is associated with fewer dementia diagnoses among Black people in the United States. American Journal of Human Biology, e24125. ​


Ashe, J., Bentley-Edwards, K., Skipper, A., Cuevas, A., Vieytes, C. M., Bah, K., Evans, M. K., Zonderman, A. B., & Waldstein, S. R. (2024). Racial Discrimination, Religious Coping, and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Among African American Women and Men. Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities. 


Scott, M. J., Robbins, P. A., Conde, E., & Bentley-Edwards, K. L. (2022). Depression in the African American Christian Community: Examining Denominational and Gender Differences. Journal of Religion and Health. 


Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Robbins, P. A., & Hubbard, L. (2021). Eat, Pray, Live: A closer look at the role of gender and denomination in the faith-health connection for African Americans. Retrieved from Durham, NC


Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Robbins, P. A., Blackman Carr, L. T., Smith, I. Z., Conde, E., & Darity Jr., W. A. Denominational Differences in Obesity Among Black Christian Adults: Why Gender and Life Stage Matter. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.


Robbins, P. A., Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Blackman Carr, L. T., Conde, E., Van Vliet, R., & Darity Jr, W. A. (2020). Shades of Black: Gendered denominational variation in depression symptoms among Black Christians. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. doi: 10.1037/rel0000398


Robbins, P. A., Scott, M. J., Conde, E., Daniel, Y., Darity, W. A., & Bentley-Edwards, K. L. (2020). Denominational and Gender Differences in Hypertension Among African American Christian Young Adults. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. doi: 10.1007/s40615-020-00895-4

Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Blackman Carr, L. T., Robbins, P. A., Conde, E., Zaw, K., & Darity, W. A. (2019). Investigating Denominational and Church Attendance Differences in Obesity and Diabetes in Black Christian Men and Women. Journal of Religion and Health. doi: 10.1007/s10943-019-00888-6

Health & Health Equity

​Pasquale, D. K., Welsh, W., Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Olson, A., Wellons, M. C., & Moody, J. (2024). Homophily and social mixing in a small community: Implications for infectious disease transmission. PLoS ONE, 19(5), e0303677. 


Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Adisa, O., Ruff, K. E., McClure, E. S., & Robinson, W. R. (2024). Race, racism, and covid-19 in the US: lessons not learnt. BMJ, e076106. 


Ives, C. L., Krzyzanowski, M. C., Marshall, V. J., Norris, K., Cockburn, M., Bentley-Edwards, K., Mohottige, D., Pollack Porter, K. M., Dillard, D., Eisenberg, Y., Jiménez, M. C., Pérez-Stable, E. J., Jones, N. L., Dayal, J., Maiese, D. R., Williams, D., Hendershot, T. P., & Hamilton, C. M. (2024). The PhenX Toolkit: Recommended Measurement Protocols for Social Determinants of Health Research. Current Protocols, 4(3), e977.


Mohottige, D., Davenport, C. A., Bhavsar, N., Schappe, T., Lyn, M. J., Maxson, P., Johnson, F., Planey, A. M., McElroy, L. M., Wang, V., Cabacungan, A. N., Ephraim, P., Lantos, P., Peskoe, S., Lunyera, J., Bentley-Edwards, K., Diamantidis, C. J., Reich, B., & Boulware, L. E. (2023). Residential Structural Racism and Prevalence of Chronic Health Conditions. JAMA Network Open, 6(12), e2348914-e2348914.  


Pasquale, D. K., Welsh, W., Olson, A., Yacoub, M., Moody, J., Barajas Gomez, B. A., Bentley-Edwards, K. L., McCall, J., Solis-Guzman, M. L., Dunn, J. P., Woods, C. W., Petzold, E. A., Bowie, A. C., Singh, K., & Huang, E. S. (2023). Scalable Strategies to Increase Efficiency and Augment Public Health Activities During Epidemic Peaks. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 


Thomas, J., Eckstrom, E., Lam, W. K. K., Sullivan, S., Bentley-Edwards, K., Gierisch, J. M., & Bowling, C. B. (2023). Recommendations for using the 5Ts Framework to support research inclusion across the lifespan. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 


Chen, E., Hollowell, A., Truong, T., Bentley-Edwards, K., Myers, E., Erkanli, A., Holt, L., & Swartz, J. J. (2023). Contraceptive Access and Use Among Undergraduate and Graduate Students During COVID-19: Online Survey Study. JMIR Form Res, 7, e38491. 


Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Scott, M., & Robbins, P. A. (2022). How Systemic Racism and Preexisting Conditions Contributed to COVID-19 Disparities for Black Americans. In G. Wright, W. A. Darity Jr, & L. Hubbard (Eds.), The Pandemic Divide: How COVID Increased Inequality in America (pp. 29-45). Duke University Press. 


Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Fleming, P., Doherty, I. A., Whicker, D., Mervin-Blake, S., & Barrett, N. (2022). The 5Ws of Racial Equity in Research: A Framework for Applying a Racial Equity Lens Throughout the Research Process. Health Equity, 6(1), 917-921.


Carr, L. T. B., Bell, C., Alick, C., & Bentley-Edwards, K. L. (2022). Responding to Health Disparities in Behavioral Weight Loss Interventions and COVID-19 in Black Adults: Recommendations for Health Equity. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. 


Hollowell, A., Swartz, J., Myers, E., Erkanli, A., Hu, C., Shin, A., & Bentley-Edwards, K. (2022). Telemedicine services in higher education: a review of college and university websites. Journal of American College Health, 1-6. 


Racism & Discrimination

Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Adisa, O., Ruff, K. E., McClure, E. S., & Robinson, W. R. (2024). Race, racism, and covid-19 in the US: lessons not learnt. BMJ, e076106. 


Ives, C. L., Krzyzanowski, M. C., Marshall, V. J., Norris, K., Cockburn, M., Bentley-Edwards, K., Mohottige, D., Pollack Porter, K. M., Dillard, D., Eisenberg, Y., Jiménez, M. C., Pérez-Stable, E. J., Jones, N. L., Dayal, J., Maiese, D. R., Williams, D., Hendershot, T. P., & Hamilton, C. M. (2024). The PhenX Toolkit: Recommended Measurement Protocols for Social Determinants of Health Research. Current Protocols, 4(3), e977. 


Mohottige, D., Davenport, C. A., Bhavsar, N., Schappe, T., Lyn, M. J., Maxson, P., Johnson, F., Planey, A. M., McElroy, L. M., Wang, V., Cabacungan, A. N., Ephraim, P., Lantos, P., Peskoe, S., Lunyera, J., Bentley-Edwards, K., Diamantidis, C. J., Reich, B., & Boulware, L. E. (2023). Residential Structural Racism and Prevalence of Chronic Health Conditions. JAMA Network Open, 6(12), e2348914-e2348914. 


Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Smith, L. V., Robbins, P. A., & Adams-Bass, V. N. (2019). Out of the Hood, But Not Out of the Woods: The School Engagement and Cohesion of Black Students Based on Exposure to Violence and Victimization. The Urban Review. doi: 10.1007/s11256-019-00517-2


Smith, I. Z., Blackman Carr, L. T., El-Amin, S., Bentley-Edwards, K. L., & Darity Jr, W. A. (2019). Inequity in Place: Obesity Disparities and the Legacy of Racial Residential Segregation and Social Immobility.Durham, NC.


Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Edwards, M. C., Spence, C. N., Darity Jr, W. A., Hamilton, D., & Perez, J. (2018). How Does it Feel to be a Problem? The Missing Kerner Commission Report. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 4(6), 20-40. 


Smith, I. Z., Bentley-Edwards, K. L., El-Amin, S., & Darity Jr, W. (2018). Fighting at Birth: Eradicating the Black-White Infant Mortality Gap. Durham, NC:


Bentley-Edwards, K. L. (2016). Hope, Agency, or Disconnect: Scale Construction for Measures of Black Racial Cohesion and Dissonance. Journal of Black Psychology. 42(1), 73-79. doi: 10.1177/0095798414557670


Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Agonafer, E., Edmondson, R., & Flannigan, A. (2016). If I Can Do For My People, I Can Do For Myself: Examining Racial Factors for Their Influence on Goal Efficacy For Black College Students, Journal of College Student Development. 57(2), 151-167. doi: 10.1353/csd.2016.0018


Bentley-Edwards, K. L. & Chapman-Hilliard, C. (2015). Doing Race in different places: Black Racial Cohesion on Black and White college campuses. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 8(1), 43-60. doi: 10.1037/a0038293.




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